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stories for professionals, by professionals

Ralph Arza, CEO and Founder of Arza Consulting Group
Read an interview by Ralph Arza!

Stuart Ferster, Executive Director of Interactive Technology Corporation
Learn more about Stuart Ferster, the Executive Director of ITC, based in Manchester, UK.

Sandra Charton, Chief Human Resource Officer in Boston, MA
Read an interview by Sandra Charton!

Peter Palivos, Attorney
Learn about Peter Palivos Attorney.

Ryan Calo: Associate Professor of Law
Ryan Calo is an associate professor at the University of Washington School of Law and has quite an impressive resume leading up to this point. He’s been featured in a handful of very prestigious publications and you can find various interviews of him floating around the web as well. In addition to his title as […]

Tim Coffield, Attorney
Learn about Tim Coffield Attorney!
Nicolas Christin: Associate Research Professor At Carnegie Mellon
Nicolas Christin is an Associate Research Profesor at Carnegie Mellon University. He is also a researcher for the university’s CyLab initiative as well, which is an institute that focuses on security and privacy. Online crime, security economics, and network & computer security are the main topics that Nicolas Christin focuses on in his work. With […]
Marc Hochstein: Managing Editor At CoinDesk
Marc Hochstein is the managing editor at CoinDesk which is a startup that shares news, prices, analysis, and guides on everything related to bitcoin and cryptocurrency. Marc has helped the site grow and evolve as the crypto space rapidly changes. Marc Hochstein has over two decades of experience covering business and finance. Previously he spent […]
Donald P. Harris: Professor of Law
Donald P. Harris is Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and a Professor of Law at Temple University located in Philadelphia, PA. He’s an authority on intellectual property especially in regards to how IP should be protected internationally. In the early 2000s, Donald P. Harris became a part of the team at the Beasley School of […]
Tom Bell: Law Professor At Chapman University
Tom Bell is a Professor at the Dale E. Fowler School of Law at Chapman University in Orange, California. Chapman is a private university that overs a wide range of studies. The School of Law where Tom Bell teaches is one of ten of the schools available to students. While Tom Bell has a strong […]
Gavin Andresen: Bitcoin Developer
Gavin Andresen is somewhat of a rock star in the bitcoin and cryptocurrency industry. By trade, Gavin is a software engineer with a strong background in various forms of engineering. However, what everyone knows him for is his role as the main developer in the early development of bitcoin. The work that Gavin Andresen did […]
Pamela Samuelson: Professor of Law at the University of California
Pamela Samuelson is a Professor of Law and Information at the University of California, Berkeley. In addition to this, she’s also a co-director at the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology. This center is known around the world for its impressive research and analysis of technology-related policy and law issues. Pamela Samuelson also co-founded the […]
Paul Heald: Professor of Law At The University of Illinois
Paul Heald is part of the University of Illinois Law faculty and serves as a Professor of Law as well as an author of a number of books. He’s had a well-rounded career both in academia and as a fiction novelist, which is an interesting combination that makes him a very unique individual to do […]
Fred Campbell: Director of Tech Knowledge
Fred Campbell is an adjunct professor at the University of Nebraska College of Law. In addition to this, he is an advisor at Wireless 20/20 and currently serves as the Director of Tech Knowledge as well. With a strong background in wireless communications and the various legal complexities that industry encounters, Fred Campbell is a […]
Jonathan Coulton: Musician And Songwriter
Jonathan Coulton is a musician and songwriter who writes songs that appeals to tech-crowds or “geeks”. He has written and performed songs that have appeared in Left 4 Dead 2, Portal, and Portal 2 which are highly acclaimed video games that still see play many years later. One of the things that makes Jonathan Coulton […]
Reuben Grinberg: Associate at Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP
Reuben Grinberg is a fantastic resource when it comes to the topic of tech and law, especially regarding bitcoin. As an associate at the Davis Polk & Wardwell’s Financial Institutions Group, he spends a lot of his time navigating legal issues that come up in the financial space. This consists of regulation issues, transactional disputes […]