David Post

David Post is an American legal scholar. He is an expert in law in cyberspace and intellectual property law. He retired in 2014 from his position as Professor of Law at Beasley School of Law of Temple University in Philadelphia. He currently serves as an Adjunct...

Jim Harper

Jim Harper is a Visiting Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). His primary areas of focus are legal and constitutional law issues, Cryptocurrency (bitcoin), and privacy issues. Harper earned his BA from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and he...

Tyler Cowen

Tyler Cowen is an economics professor and serves as the Chair of Economics at George Mason University. He’s also the faculty director of the Mercatus Center at the university as well. Tyler Cowen has written extensively about economics and the behavior of markets in...

Adam Thierer

Adam Thierer works at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University as a Senior Research Fellow. He is also an author who has published various books. His work covers a range of topics such as new technology, internet, entrepreneurialism, and more. Adam Thierer...

Joseph Reagle

Joseph Reagle is an Associate Professor of Communication Studies at Northeastern University in Boston, MA. He is also an author who has written the following books: Hacking Life: Systematized living and its discontents. (2019)Reading the comments: Likers, haters, and...

Don Norman

Don Norman spends his time currently as the director of The Design Lab which operates as part of the University of California. Don Norman has spoken and written books on various topics over the years. While his main area of expertise lies in design, his opinion...