As a Jersey City, New Jersey community member, Tom Bertoli is a professional craftsman with over 15 years of experience. Tom enjoys accomplishing things that benefit others, including his family and the Jersey City community.

Tom’s love of creating things started at an early age watching his dad work in the door-making industry. Tom has an uncanny ability to read design plans and immediately know what the project needs to be successful. He has a fantastic rapport with carpenters and merchants, and it enables him to act as a liaison between the clients, the design teams, and the building crew. This also allows Tom to serve as the bridge between the home office, the construction team, suppliers, and the subcontractors he works with, enabling him to serve as the communication bridge between all parties involved.
Known as an expeditor, Tom works with individuals who specialize in drywall, carpeting, and plumbing. He also schedules the dates and times for each phase of the project that the different subcontractors play a role in during a build or remodel.
Tom is also a collector of antiques who loves to go treasure hunting and can see what others only view as trash as a treasure. Tom Bertoli is a woodworker by trade and can build cabinets from scratch and create other unique carpentry projects. Tom believes that if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.
Tom Bertoli is currently overseeing eight high-rise building projects and has worked with government agencies, municipal utilities, and local police to get these projects done. Tom’s reputation as an effective and capable organizer is what makes him easy to work with.
Ultimately, Tom is known by the local community as a generous individual who can negotiate deals pro-bono so that local families can fulfill their dream of owning property. To learn more about Tom Bertoli, visit him on Twitter, LinkedIn, or through his blogs, where he discusses real estate, art, and how to be involved in your community.
Tom Bertoli on The Most Profitable Commercial Real Estate Tactics
It’s not easy to get started purchasing commercial real estate. You’ll have to figure out the entire process of discovering property to finalize your purchase.
You’ll also have to make sure that you’re making a wise investment. Look into these types of commercial real estate properties you should consider purchasing.
Over the past couple of years, management companies have been scooping up apartment complexes to rent out. This is because having more people in a smaller amount of space means that you can be generating a lot of income.
However, it’s not easy to handle having so many tenants. If you’re looking to purchase an apartment complex for yourself, make sure that you make it your full-time job or consider talking to an apartment management company that can handle it for you. Make sure you look into commercial real estate properties that have many tenants for you to rent to.
As a real estate investor, you’ll want to purchase property that increases in value over time. However, you might notice that some areas can be slower than others for selling property. You’ll want to make sure you purchase property in an area with growth.
Growth can be defined by the number of people increasingly moving and working there. With more growth, you can constantly increase your rental properties’ prices every month. Ensure you look into how growth can factor into your purchase’s commercial real estate.
It can be quite frustrating having to manage a place where people live. You’ll have to deal with constant repairs, questions, arguments between tenants, and more. It can quickly become too taxing for you.
To help, you should consider purchasing self-storage facilities instead. These facilities are known for being low maintenance, allowing you to get away with not upkeeping the property too much. Take a look around into self-storage facilities that can make you money without much effort.
Depending on how much property you purchase, you might make an investment that loses you money. By following these tips and learning what works well for you, you’ll become better at purchasing profitable properties. Make sure you take a more in-depth look into how you can purchase commercial real estate properties for profit.