Rita Mansour is an experienced CPWA. She is one of the Top 100 Female Advisors in the U.S. by Barron’s Investment News and advises clients both in the U.S and internationally. Rita is fluent in three languages, allowing her access to global markets and a vast client list including professionals, foundations, endowments, and institutions. Rita’s international clientele, keen sense of entrepreneurship, and attention to detail gives her clients a unique perspective.

Rita often is quoted in local and financial media, as Senior Managing Director; she has frequently been recognized as a member of the Forbes/Shook Best in State Wealth Advisor Ranking, which ranks the top advisors in America. This award is based on assets under management, ethical and moral standards, and client satisfaction.
Rita has received multiple awards, including Toledo’s 20 under 40 Award and Arab American of the Year. She was Outstanding Alumni of the Year of The University of Toledo College of Business and Innovation and received the prestigious YWCA Milestone Award for Business and the Jefferson Award.
As a registered representative of FINRA, Rita holds Series 7, 9/10, 31, 63, and 65 licenses. She is a licensed life and health insurance agent. Further, Rita earned the Certified Private Wealth Advisor® (CPWA®) certification, administered by Investment Management Consultants Association® (IMCA®) and taught in conjunction with The University of Chicago.
A Toledo native, Rita developed a successful promotional products company while a student at the University of Toledo. Its success led The University to award her the Edwin R. Hodge Memorial Entrepreneurship Award.
Rita strongly believes in giving back. She is involved in civic and philanthropic organizations and serves as a Board Member of the Toledo Museum of Art, Lourdes University, Connect Toledo, and the Advisory Council of the Sisters of Notre Dame. Rita is on the Grants Committee of the Greater Toledo Community Foundation. She serves as the Co-Chair of Momentum, a 3-day celebration of the arts and culture. And she is an Honorary Board Member of the Arts Commission. She was recently appointed by the Governor of the State of Ohio to the Ohio Arts Council.
Visit Rita on Linkedin or Twitter to learn more about her career and philanthropic work.
Our Interview With Rita Mansour
What’s the most important thing we should know about you?
Rita Mansour:: I strongly believe people have two assets; and interestingly, although I’m a financial advisor, neither of them has anything to do with money. Your health and personal relationships are your most valuable assets and never should be taken for granted. Money, or financial security, becomes important because it helps fosters wellness and provides extraordinary opportunities for you and the most important people in your life.
People who know me understand that I consider health and relationships our most valuable resource — and I view money as one of many important tools to help people live their best lives. Money is a tool. It’s not the end game.
Name the most impactful lesson you learned from failure?
Rita Mansour: The most important thing I’ve learned from failure is to get back up…learn from it…then, let it go. I can honestly say, the greatest of my failures have become turning points in helping me to become the best person I can be. So, try not to beat yourself up.
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Rita Mansour: Every time I make my mom and dad proud, that is my greatest accomplishment.
That a being said, I’m also proud when I accomplish something after I’ve been told I would fail. Years ago, I was told I couldn’t succeed in this business and now 31 years later I have a well-respected, successful financial consulting firm.
From a philanthropic perspective, I wanted to raise $1 million from a single community event. People initially looked at me like I had three heads. But, working with a great team, we were able to get community alignment and support that allowed us to have a record breaking, million dollar night. Certainly exceeding everyone’s expectations.
What did you waste the most time on when you were first starting your career?
Rita Mansour: Without a doubt, cold calling. It wasn’t working and I quickly changed my course.
Name a tool you use for work that you can’t live without.
Rita Mansour: My team. They’re definitely my most important asset.
What is your favorite hobby and why?
Rita Mansour: Spending time with family and friends. It’s always fulfilling. No matter what is happening in other places in my life, being with family and friends is a place of non-judgment. It’s uplifting and never fails to recharge me.
I also love to travel, especially internationally.
What excites you most about your industry right now?
Rita Mansour:The most exciting thing I’m seeing today is the transition of wealth, whether it’s from people selling their businesses or people making significant philanthropic gifts. In the next two decades, this transfer of wealth is going to be the biggest thing that has ever happened in our industry.
What concerns you most about your industry right now?
Rita Mansour: My biggest concern is the current theory, by some, that it’s easy to electronically invest vs. having an experienced, guiding hand assist you. When the market goes up, trading electronically looks easy. However, it’s a complicated process that requires diligent attention to detail and awareness of the markets, tax ramifications, tax efficiency and so much more.
It’s important to recognize the whole notion of investing is not about making a little bit of money via an app. It’s about having a plan and being able to live the way you want to live now and in the future, whether it’s buying a home, putting a child through school or supporting a charity.
I think it’s really important for people to know trading via an app isn’t the way to make important financial decision.
Those most successful and comfortable with their wealth management plans are not day trading on an app to manage their wealth. This is not a GameStop moment.
What’s the greatest risk you’ve ever taken?
Rita Mansour: My greatest risk has also been one of my greatest successes. I took a risk by getting into the financial industry when there were very few women; and accepting a position that literally had no salary attached to it. I was hired when I took a blind test and scored well. When they saw I was a women, it became a bit harder. I literally had a boss tell me I wouldn’t make it because I was a woman. Since then, Forbes named me top advisor in both the state-by-state and female categories. And Baron’s named me one of the top 100 female advisors.
What tips do you have for getting a seat at the table?
Rita Mansour: My tips for getting to the table are simple to say, but hard to do.
Add value.
Be a problem solver.
Understand when to speak and when to listen.
Be the very best, so they want you at the table.
What book has made the biggest impact on your life?
Rita Mansour: The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz has been a guiding touchstone for many years. And while the Four Agreements may sound simple, they’re actually difficult to follow every day. I have learned the more I follow them, the more I appreciate them.
Ruiz’s agreements:
Be impeccable with your word.
Don’t take things personally.
Don’t make assumptions.
And, always do your best.
Do you value intelligence or common sense more? Why?
Rita Mansour: I value both. And I think it’s very important to have both. However, if you don’t have one, my recommendation is to make sure you have someone on your team that has what you don’t. You’ll have a stronger, more well-rounded team.
What would you consider to be the perfect day?
A perfect day for me is spending time with clients. Addressing their financial concerns. And having them walk away feeling heard, appreciated and comfortable with their financial strategy. Then sharing an evening with family and loved ones.
OR…being in Tuscany, enjoying great culture and food!