Paul Arena is most well known for being a financial specialist with disciplines in a number of places. These include intellectual property, mergers and acquisitions, financial management, and strategic operations. He currently works as the Chief Executive Officer of AIM Group, a consulting firm specializing in operations, product development, marketing, financial requirements, and general business strategies. While working at AIM group, Paul has completed over $3 billion in combined financings.

For his post-secondary education, Paul Arena attended Miami, Florida’s Barry University. While studying there, Paul took several courses in finance and economics and later returned to round out his knowledge with other subjects. This achievement of a well-rounded education has led to an incredibly successful business career, along with negotiating and problem-solving skills that Paul is incredibly gifted at. He even spent time working as a banker on Wall Street, where he learned the necessity of thinking outside of the box and the importance of intellectual property to help increase a firm’s value and generate profits for investors.
Paul Arena didn’t wait to graduate to start forging his path in entrepreneurship. While at Barry University, he was the Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer of the popular IT firm Cereus Technology Partners. While working with Cereus Technology Partners, Paul gained invaluable information that helped him learn the ins and outs of the corporate world. With the knowledge he gained, Paul had a string of successful businesses, including being the Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Geos Communications and the Chairman & CEO of Augme Technologies, Inc. & Hipcricket, Inc. He has also been the Senior Managing Director, then Executive Chairman for AudioEye, Inc., and Principal Co-founder of ArenaLife, LLC.
Because of his incredibly intimate knowledge of intellectual property and patent licensing from his schooling, the role of Chief Executive Officer for the Intellectual Property Network (IPN) was the right next step in his entrepreneurial path. Paul Arena is a natural entrepreneur, finding immense joy in creating things and watching them grow and prosper. When creating his team with IPN, Paul understood the value of having entrepreneurs and inventors help him out so that they could provide their clients with the best possible service possible.
Paul Arena is most known to the people who have worked with him as a person who isn’t afraid of making a risky decision. Over the 30 years of his career, Paul has made daring decisions repeatedly, leading to several successful businesses. Paul’s track record has shown his incredible skill in organizing complicated and critical efforts simultaneously, setting him apart from other people in his industry.
To learn more about Paul Arena, visit him on social media!
Essential Skills You’ll Need for Professional Success
Today’s business or academic environment is highly competitive. That’s because many highly educated and talented people are out there. Consequently, if you want to succeed in your present career and even advance into higher-paying positions, you’ll need to acquire and demonstrate certain skills. Following are some of the more essential skills that you’ll need to succeed.
The ability to communicate in the workplace is essential to your professional success. According to the Balance, communication skills include anything from listening and writing to dealing with people and social skills. You need listening skills, for example, to follow the instructions of your boss or leaders of cross-functional teams. You’ll also need to write and present information to management concisely and convincingly.
As a professional, you spend time answering emails, meeting with coworkers, and working on multiple projects. This necessitates your ability to prioritize various tasks, keep track of results, and deliver final reports on time. Organizational skills also enable you to fit new and ad hoc projects into your schedule in a seamless manner.
Problem Solving
While it’s competitive among people in the business world, it’s even more so among key competitors in various industries. That’s why you need problem-solving skills to circumvent certain challenges. The University of Colorado Boulder defines problem-solving as analyzing issues or situations and making the right decisions. These savvy decisions ultimately help your company increase sales and profits.
You’ll need leadership skills if you want to advance into the middle or even upper management. Leadership is much more than just managing people. It entails assessing your subordinates’ skills and delegating certain tasks to the right people. Leadership also requires you to set goals for your department, manage the budget, and motivate everyone to perform at their optimal levels.
Chances are you may excel at some of the above skills but fall below expectations on others. That’s perfectly normal. From this point on, however, you need to harness your strengths and work on your weaker skills. The best way to accomplish this is by taking courses or volunteering to spearhead various projects. If you put in the additional effort to improve certain skills, you’ll be amazed at your progress six months or a year from now.