An experienced entrepreneur, Nurbek Turdukulov is the current director of SeaNova Capital LLC., which focuses on private equity and venture capital investments. This concern participates in financing expansion/bridge stages and later-stage rounds for venture companies with solid teams, dynamic development, and proven track records.

Turdukulov provides SeaNova Capital LLC. with more than 30 years of experience to assist it in achieving success. Turdukulov has worked for more than eight companies in management positions during his career. With pride in his work as Director of SeaNova Capital, Nurbek holds that this quality is essential to success in life as he applies himself to all that he does. Nevertheless, Nurbek does attribute other aspects to his success, such as his education. He feels that education is a crucial factor in a person’s affecting society.
Nurbek Turdukulov has a career that spans more than three decades, and he has held management positions in more than eight companies. Turdukulov is currently employed as the director of SeaNova Capital LLC. He has held positions in management at more than eight companies, and he has a career that spans more than three decades. He takes pride in his work ethic, one that his parents instilled in him as essential to success. Nurbek Turdukulov also credits much of his success to his education. He feels that education is a critical factor in making a difference, particularly for developing nations.
Having attended three universities from 1979 to 2003, Nurbek earned a Bachelor’s degree in Cybernetics and Economics. He also attained a Master’s degree in Economics. Nurbek Turdukulov feels fortunate to have been able to earn such degrees as many are not as fortunate as he. Moreover, he is a strong believer in education, holding that it makes a great difference in the world, especially in developing nations. Aware that education opens up new perspectives and horizons, providing people new perspectives, Nurbek understands that more investment in one’s own business will be significant with more skills. Additionally, education also permits individuals to have access to new opportunities.
Currently based in Alexandria, Virginia, Nurbek Turdukulov has a multicultural background that is extensive as he works with various diverse groups. He spent much of his career in Russia. There, he worked in different areas of his academic field. Currently, Nurbek is the director of SeaNova Capitol LLC., where he draws on his more than 30 years of experience to assist him in leading the organization.
Nurbek Turdukulov on What is Art Therapy
There are many ways mental health issues can be treated, one of those being art therapy. Art therapy mixes psychotherapeutic techniques with creativity, giving people an outlet for creative expression to work on healing and mental well-being. Art is an excellent outlet for those who have a mental illness because it brings out and fosters the exploration of emotions, no matter whether you’re making the art or viewing it. It’s a coping mechanism that lets people deal with stress, self-esteem, and even social skills.
Art therapy isn’t stuck to one medium of art; those going through art therapy can do so through drawing, painting, coloring, sculpting, or any other medium that works for them. Patients can examine and analyze the works they’ve created and how they feel during and after the fact, letting them figure out themes and conflicts that may be impacting their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. You don’t have to be an artist to take part in art therapy—no matter your age or skill level, art is a great way to boost your mental health.
This form of therapy is used to help people suffering from various mental illnesses and psychological stress. Often, art therapy is used along with other forms of psychotherapy, such as group therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy. There are many types of people and reasons someone may use art therapy:
- Adults who experience stress
- Children who suffer behavioral or social problems
- People suffering brain injuries
- Those who have aging-related issues
- People who suffer from depression
- People who are having family/relationship problems
- Those who suffer from PTSD
- Those who are dealing with psychosocial issues
Art therapy can occur in many different settings, like mental health offices, schools, and community centers. This isn’t to be confused with regular art classes; unlike art classes, which concentrate on techniques or finishing pieces, art therapy lets people focus on what they’re feeling and experiencing internally while giving them a place to let all of that out healthily. They are encouraged to express their inner world, not the outer world they see around them.
It’s important to note that, like other therapeutic techniques, art therapy may not be suitable for everyone. It’s certainly a beneficial way of expressing feelings and internal conflicts, but some people may find that art therapy wasn’t as effective as they hoped. That doesn’t mean you should forego the option altogether—anything is worth a try if you believe it’ll help you.