As a former Financial Advisor, Lisbeth Cherrington has always been known for her ability to capitalize on any opportunity. The current Hilton Head, South Carolina resident, is now capitalizing on a new kind of opportunity.

Lisbeth Cherrington Sf

Along with four other female founders, Lisbeth and her colleagues created Smart Company Kids, and have set out to teach kids between the ages of 3 – 12 about the stock market and how it fits into their everyday lives. Smart Company Kids is currently still being beta-tested, but it is designed to be a platform between school and home. Lisbeth believes that kids are like sponges, and teaching children through fun and play delivers genuinely groundbreaking results. 

Lisbeth Cherrington was drawn to the idea of Smart Company Kids through her awareness of the lack of financial literacy among adults. As a former Financial Advisor, Lisbeth was always shocked at how many adults lack basic knowledge of financial topics. She has made it her goal to educate adults as well as making sure Smart Company Kids is filling in the gaps where traditional educational systems have failed.

In addition to her work with Smart Company kids, Lisbeth Cherrington’s other passion is to inspire people and help them embrace what makes them unique. Through several illustrated children’s books created to help educate kids in a fun and enlightening ways, Lisbeth wants people to know that their identity is found in their values as a human being and not in their perceived limitations. Lisbeth believes that far too often, people let someone else define them, and they end up living in a perpetual state of self-judgment and anxiety. 

In her free time, the former Ohio resident and mother of two can be found enjoying Hilton Head, South Carolina. For more information about Lisbeth, or her work with Smart Company Kids, check her out on social media!

Lisbeth Cherrington on the Importance of Free Play

Researchers in the United Nations refer to play as a fundamental right of every child. It is essential for proper child development and should be treated as if it were just as important as food and water. The American Academy of Pediatrics agrees with this and states that there are many benefits of free play for kids.

Why Is Free Play For Kids So Important?

Below are six reasons to encourage free play with your children!

Strengthens Creativity, Imagination, and Dexterity

When children are allowed to create whatever they want, their creativity and imagination will expand immensely. Furthermore, using craft supplies, writing instruments, and other similar items will enable the child to strengthen how they use their hands to perform tasks.

It Gives Children the Ability to Connect With What’s Around Them

Children thrive when they can decide for themselves what they will do or what they will play with. It allows them to choose what part of the immediate world they would like to explore.

Encourages Confidence

If children are continually being told what to play with or do, they’ll never feel confident making those decisions for themselves. They’ll also likely avoid joining groups of children or trying something new. By allowing free play, their confidence will grow.

Promotes Positive Decision-Making Skills

When a child can participate in free play without a parent monitoring every action, they’ll be able to practice making decisions on their own. Whether it is a decision about what to do next or a decision about playing with others, the best way to allow children to work on these skills is by letting them have free play.

Encourages Independence

Parents and other adults cannot give a child undivided attention all of the time. Children must learn to play independently, and the more often they can participate in free play, the more independent they will become. This type of play is essential in teaching children to play on their own. 

Promotes Social Skills and Teamwork

Children who are allowed to participate in free play learn to take turns, resolve conflicts with peers, and learn leadership skills. They also learn to follow directions when working as a team.

Lisbeth Cherrington
Smart Company Kids