Joe McInerney is the CEO of Banner Capital working out of Chicago, Illinois. His firm provides management and advisory services to private investors around the globe. Banner Capital helps its clients to make well-informed decisions about where they should invest their money and how they should handle finances. In addition to his main business, Joe also runs Banner Entertainment and Eddy Realty, giving him extensive experience in a wide variety of fields.

This experience has allowed Joe to acquire or found many businesses during his professional career and help propel them towards success, such as Zipliner Adventure Parks and the Chicago Mr. Handyman franchise. Throughout his time managing and running his businesses, Joe has honed his skills and become adept at determining what makes a good investment and how to best build and grow a business for success.
Joe’s work as head of Banner Entertainment has given him an extensive knowledge of the entertainment industry. He has participated in many projects as the executive producer, as well as overseeing script development and financial concerns. Banner Entertainment also owns, which Joe plans to build out into its own business.
Before he owned Banner Capital Joe was the President of Coleman Family Office. This role allowed him to oversee investments into many different sectors including jet aviation, livestock identification, and hardwood lumber products. This experience with different areas of investment allows him to help his company provide advice on many types of financial ventures that his clients may be interested in.
Joe McInerney also worked with the Pritzker Family Office as their Vice President. Here he helped analyze financial decisions for how they would impact the trusts and helped to design a database software that played an invaluable role in planning for the future.
Joe McInerney’s extensive experience analyzing and planning investments in many different fields has made him a versatile and creative businessman who can quickly spot a good opportunity to invest in companies that will be lucrative and successful. This knowledge is what has allowed him to build and maintain Banner Capital’s excellent reputation in its industry, as well as build lasting business partnerships that can help his many enterprises prosper.
Our Interview With Joe McInerney, Chicago
Question: What’s the most important thing we should know about you?
Joe McInerney: I am a proud father of two boys. They give me purpose in life. I don’t know what path they will take in their life’s journey, but I try to be the best guide possible by leading by example and providing them the best possible education. Education is the best thing a parent can provide a child. It’s something no one can take away from them. I want them to have a good life, a good start. And one day, perhaps, they will join me in my endeavors. But as long as they are happy and healthy that is good enough for me.
Question: Name the most impactful lesson you learned from failure.
Joe McInerney: Keep it simple and don’t over-complicate matters. I was taught that lesson early in my life and it has proved true over the years. Also, transparency is critical to building trust with all of your constituents. This includes employees, customers, vendors, and investors. Once distrust enters an ecosystem, you can lose the “locker room” and bad things can happen. I try to build a culture where there is a seamless web of trust.
Question: What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Joe McInerney: I value my networking skills and close relationships. I have built a propriety network of entrepreneurs and single-family offices. This network is the foundation of my capital base. These relationships are very personal and important to me. It’s something I am very proud of in my career.
Question: What did you waste the most time on when you were first starting your career?
Joe McInerney: The hardest decision a person makes in life is to cut ties with people, professionally or personally. Because I am a very loyal person, I have tended to stay in relationships too long. I have made the mistake of ignoring “red flags” so that I would not hurt feelings. The lesson learned is that a clean break heals faster than a jagged wound.
Question: Name a tool you use for work that you can’t live without.
Joe McInerney: My phone! Like most people, I cannot do without it. I am old school. I don’t text much but prefer a phone call. One on one conversation is the best. Next would be my computer. The Internet is one of the greatest inventions in the history of mankind. I wish computers and the Internet were available to me during my college days. My productivity is 100 percent reliant on these tools.
Question: What is your favorite hobby and why?
Joe McInerney: I really enjoy Irish Caeli and set dancing. It is great exercise and super fun! I am proud of my Irish heritage, plus it is a great way to socialize and meet people. I also love playing Scrabble. It’s a great way to keep spelling skills sharp and exercise your mind!
Question: What excited you the most about your industry right now?
Joe McInerney: I always saw great opportunities working with small businesses. I saw this sector has the most opportunities and greatest way to create value. I have never been a “big corporate” kind of guy. I am very down to earth and enjoy the feeling of building and growing these types of enterprises.
Question: What concerns you most about your industry right now?
Joe McInerney: Real estate is location, location, location. Private equity is people, people, people. Finding and working with the right people is the single most important aspect of my business. This has always been the most challenging, but also, the most rewarding aspect of my career.
Question: What’s the greatest risk you’ve ever taken?
Joe McInerney: Leaving a safe and good paying position to start my own venture with very little capital. As the saying goes “You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” My old boss once told me that the only thing you can rely on in life is your own abilities. I quit the next day and have never looked back.
Question: Name one small habit that positively impacts your productivity.
Joe McInerney: I walk 4 miles every morning on a nature trail. I make this walk a priority. Health, both mental and physical, are my number one priority. Everything else flows from that healthy well-being.
Question: What tips do you have for getting a seat at the table?
Joe McInerney: Never be afraid to ask. This applies to anything in life. If you don’t ask, you already have the NO. So you might as well double your odds by making the request.
Question: What book has made the biggest impact on your life?
Joe McInerney: On the professional side, there is no doubt it is “Competitive Intelligence by Michael Porter.” I was introduced to this book during my MBA studies at the University of Chicago. It provided me tools on looking at and evaluating business opportunities. I think this is one of the greatest business books ever written. On the personal side, I love self-help books such as, “Unlimited Power” by Tony Robbins. These kinds of books help you release limiting beliefs and build confidence to succeed.
Question: Do you value intelligence or common sense more? Why?
Joe McInerney: I value common sense more. I would rather have someone on my team that is street-smart over book smart. When you have both, it is a winning combination. But, you can always hire subject matter experts.
Question: What would you consider to be the perfect day?
Joe McInerney: It starts with exercise, work, a short power nap, networking, and time with my family and friends. The goal would be a problem-free and productive day. Sounds pretty good to me!