Clement Nikachi boasts an impressive 23-year journey in the realm of martial arts, a passion that ignited when his father, a Taekwondo black belt, introduced him to the art of Korean-style kicking. His martial arts odyssey commenced in Queens, his birthplace, where he embarked on his training. Following the family’s move to the Long Island area, Clement wasted no time in seeking out another instructor to continue his martial arts education. His dedication to mastering various martial arts styles, along with his commitment to teaching a diverse range of students, distinguishes him as a multifaceted practitioner.

Clement Nikachi Headshot

Notably, Clement’s expertise extends to supporting students with unique challenges, including conditions like Down syndrome, autism, selective mutism, and more within the dojo setting. As a student himself on Long Island, he achieved a remarkable milestone by earning his 3rd Dan from Lee’s Tae Kwon Do, a program designed to empower adults to progress at their own pace while instilling self-defense skills, bolstering their self-confidence, and nurturing the skills necessary for mastery. His involvement in this program kindled his leadership abilities and kindled a desire to impart his knowledge to others.

This aspiration led Clement to embrace an array of martial arts systems, many of which he has seamlessly integrated into his cross-training regimen. He has earned certifications in disciplines such as Savate, Muay Thai, Filipino Stick and Knife Fighting, Indonesian Salat, Western Boxing, Krav Maga, and more. With numerous years of dedicated practice under his belt, Clement has ventured into the role of an instructor himself.

As both a devoted student and an impassioned instructor, Clement Nikachi remains unwaveringly enthusiastic, dedicating his entire heart to the teaching process. He skillfully combines elements from his diverse mastery of different martial arts systems, effectively navigating kicking range, punching range, close combat, and grappling techniques.

The environment at Lee’s Tae Kwon Do is truly exceptional due to its open-minded and supportive ethos. Clement has been fortunate enough to cultivate a close mentor-student relationship with his instructor, an alliance that continues to provide him with invaluable guidance. At this dojo, the individual’s growth and personal needs hold precedence over rigid adherence to a single martial arts system. When Clement (or any other student) expresses interest in exploring aspects not covered in their current training, the dojo enthusiastically encourages them to pursue their personal growth both as martial artists and individuals.

This philosophy has profoundly influenced Clement’s approach to martial arts. The transformative power of working with a dedicated instructor who genuinely cares and supports your journey is unparalleled, and this is the exact type of instructor Clement aspires to be for all his students. Above all, he emphasizes the importance of enjoyment in martial arts. Regardless of your goals, joining the martial arts community places your health and well-being at the forefront while instilling a sense of trust in the process. When you prioritize physical activity, elevate your work ethic, and sharpen your focus, the potential for personal growth knows no bounds.

To see more from Clement Nikachi check out his Twitter and Tumblr!

How Reading Aloud Benefits Early Childhood Education

Reading aloud to young children is not just a pleasant bedtime routine; it’s a powerful tool that significantly impacts early childhood education. Sharing stories with children can have far-reaching benefits that set the stage for their academic and emotional development. Clement Nikachi will delve into why reading aloud is crucial during these formative years.

1. Language Development: Reading aloud exposes children to diverse vocabulary beyond everyday conversation. It introduces them to new words, sentence structures, and ideas, helping to expand their language skills. As children listen to stories, they absorb these linguistic nuances vital for effective communication and literacy.

2. Cognitive Skills: Listening to a story engages a child’s cognitive abilities. They must concentrate, process information, and connect the story and their experiences. This mental exercise stimulates brain development and enhances critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

3. Building a Love for Reading: Reading aloud is often a child’s first introduction to books and the joy of reading. When children associate reading with positive experiences and emotional connections with caregivers, they are more likely to develop a lifelong love for books and learning.

4. Emotional Development: Storytelling allows children to explore complex emotions and experiences through the safety of fiction. They can relate to characters’ feelings and experiences, helping them better comprehend and manage their emotions. Additionally, bonding during shared reading time fosters emotional connections between children and their caregivers.

5. Preparation for School: Reading aloud lays a strong foundation for readiness. Children exposed to books and reading from a young age often have better pre-reading skills, including phonemic awareness and print knowledge, which are critical for success in school.

6. Encouraging Creativity and Imagination: Stories transport children to different worlds, sparking their creativity and imagination. This imaginative play is not only enjoyable but also essential for cognitive development.

7. Strengthening the Parent-Child Bond: Reading aloud is a special time for bonding between parents or caregivers and children. It provides an opportunity for one-on-one interaction, allowing children to feel valued and loved.

8. Fostering a Sense of Empathy: Many children’s books explore themes of empathy and understanding. By experiencing these stories, children can develop greater compassion and empathy for others.

In conclusion, reading aloud is a cornerstone of early childhood education with far-reaching benefits. It enhances language development, cognitive skills, and emotional well-being, preparing children for success in school and life. Moreover, it creates a love for reading that can last a lifetime. So, whether it’s a classic fairy tale, an adventure in a far-off land, or a bedtime story, remember that the power of reading aloud extends far beyond the pages of a book—it shapes the minds and hearts of our youngest learners.

Clement Nikachi