Avi Philipson is a healthcare executive with a distinguished reputation for providing high-quality nursing and rehabilitation care to residents all along the east coast.

Philipson serves as the Head of Operations at Axis Health, a leading consulting company trusted by skilled nursing facilities across Maryland and New Hampshire. In his role, Philipson guides nursing and rehabilitation centers to mitigate risk, implement technological innovations, and provide compassionate care to both short-term and long-term residents.
Avi Philipson also holds ownership interest at Cold Spring Hills Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation (New York), and consults on operations at Phoenix Center Rehabilitation and Pediatrics (New Jersey). While his focus is supervising the corporate teams and healthcare administrators across these care centers, Philipson is also responsible for providing counsel on their operations, risk management, marketing, and renovations.
Under Avi Philipson’s guidance, Axis Health’s partner facilities are held in high esteem for offering community residents the highest level of care possible through progressive clinical treatment. To preserve their patient-centered care model, these facilities employ highly-skilled staff members and provide them with ongoing training to keep them up-to-date with industry changes and advancements. They also use cutting-edge medical equipment and have introduced long-term care services and enrichment programs that support better physical and emotional outcomes for patients and their families.
Avi Philipson’s focus on risk mitigation and innovation brings a valuable perspective to the industry, and has led to the development of some of the most highly regarded long-term care centers up and down the east coast.
In addition to serving his community through Axis Health, Avi Philipson also supports a number of charitable organizations, including The Simchas Mayer Fund, which Avi co-founded in memory of long-time friend Mayer Weiss. This organization supports engaged Chosson and Kallah couples, giving them everything they need so they can have their dream wedding day with dignity and joy. For this charity and others, Philipson has spearheaded fundraising campaigns that have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for those who need it most.
7 Technologies That Are Changing Healthcare According to Avi Philipson, Head of Operations at Axis Health
Avi Philipson is a healthcare executive who has a distinguished reputation for providing high-quality nursing care and rehabilitation to patients and residents along the east coast. Avi serves as the Head of Operations at Axis Health, which provides consulting services to numerous skilled nursing facilities across Maryland and New Hampshire. His focus is on mitigating risk and providing compassionate care to both short and long-term residents, but his primary dedication is helping nursing and rehabilitation centers implement new technological innovations within their facilities centered upon improving the quality of life for patients with various healthcare needs.
All of the centers Avi Philipson works with use cutting-edge medical equipment that allows them to offer the best care to their residents while preserving quality and longevity of life. For Avi, this is the direction that the healthcare sector must continue in to truly bring about a value-based care model for patients. Technology has the potential to not only change more lives, but to save more lives.
Smart ventilators that integrate five separate devices into one. Artificial intelligence that can detect diseases earlier than most medical professionals. Pocket-sized ultrasound devices that cost almost 50 times less than the machines currently being used in hospitals. These are just a few of the tech innovations that Avi believes are transforming the healthcare industry.
It’s impossible to predict how technology will continue to influence patient care decades from now, but we can get a glimpse of its life-changing inventions that stand at the vanguard of healthcare. The list below is not exhaustive or exclusive; rather, it’s representative of the innovations that Avi Philipson has already seen benefit the industry, which will only continue to become more powerful over time.
1. Drones that can deliver medical supplies
Since March of last year, UPS has been experimenting with Flight Forward, a program that uses autonomous drones to deliver important medical supplies to hospitals across the nation. During their trial, they were able to safely and efficiently transport samples of blood and tissue between two branches of a hospital located in Raleigh, N.C. The FAA gave UPS approval to expand their drone-delivery service to 20 additional hospitals over the span of the next two years. The service will deliver urine, blood, and tissue samples, as well as various medications. Not only is this autonomous service fast, but it can also eventually help rural villages and patient populations that don’t have access to critical health services.
2. Five-in-one ventilators
Ventilators are a life-and-death device, which became even more glaringly obvious in the throes of the pandemic. The right ventilator technology can improve the quality of life for patients and ease the burden of nurses and caregivers. Traditional ventilators are loud and bulky; a ball-and-chain tying patients to their beds. They also force nurses to switch between numerous devices in order to deliver multiple therapies. Today’s smart ventilators combine five separate devices into one: ventilator, oxygen concentrator, cough assist, suction, and nebulizer. Not only are these vents quieter and less restrictive, but they lend themselves to best-in-class respiratory care.
3. Pocket ultrasounds
Four billion people worldwide don’t have access to medical imaging, but Butterfly iQ is working to change that. This handheld device isn’t like the machines you’d typically see in a hospital setting, but rather it’s comparable technology in the form of a chip that can connect to an iPhone app. While these devices likely won’t replace ultrasound capabilities in hospitals in developed countries any time soon, they will eventually expand this medical imaging technology to regions and communities with limited access.
4. Cancer-detecting artificial intelligence
Certain cancers are hard to detect until they’re in their later stages, but that is when they are the most difficult to treat. Early detection is key, but these screenings can often come with dire consequences. Nearly three percent of patients who receive CT scans receive false positives and needlessly endure invasive treatments as a result. However, AI can now diagnose 5 percent of cancers more effectively than medical professionals, with 11 percent fewer false positives.
5. Digital hearts
Stenting and balloon angioplasty are some of the most effective ways to improve blood flow and treat blocked arteries in patients with heart problems. Yet, these procedures can be extremely invasive. HeartFlow uses technology to create 3-D digital hearts that not only help patients avoid these invasive options, but also improve treatment outcomes in patients diagnosed with a variety of cardiovascular issues.
6. Mind-reading wristbands
This device sounds exceptionally futuristic when compared to the others, but yes, it’s possible. These ‘magic’ wearables can be controlled by the brain via electrical impulses. This innovation is set to transform rehabilitation for patients recovering from strokes, as well as those with multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.
7. Algorithms that can read every science paper
There are 2 million research papers published every year. How can anyone keep up? Analyzing and digesting this much information is impossible for humans, but can now be done by artificial intelligence. These algorithms will be able to scan research papers, clinical trial results, and other critical biomedical information, which will help speed up drug discovery and treatment options for diseases that previously had no ‘cure’.
Some of these innovations are further along than others, but it’s clear that as technology continues to advance, both patients and healthcare workers have a lot to look forward to. According to Avi Philipson, these inventions aren’t only remarkable, they will be life-changing.