How To Get An Idea Implemented In Your Company

But here’s the problem: If you have an idea that can improve the way your company does something, that’s fantastic. This is how all companies and organizations improve and the best ideas don’t always come from the top. Getting buy-in from the people who matter can be...

Recognizing Hidden Leaders Within Your Organization

Most of our focus is shining a light on the underrated leaders in their industry who might not get as much attention as they deserve. These people have an immense amount of knowledge to share, but often don’t get the chance to do so. However, we want to use this post...

Habits Of The Best

When looking at individuals who are top performers in their specific field, you start to notice some common habits. But are these habits what make them great at what they do? Or are they simply a coincidence? We believe strongly believe the former. And because of...
Ethan Zuckerman

Ethan Zuckerman

Ethan Zuckerman directs the Center for Civic Media at MIT, and he is an Associate Professor of the Practice at the MIT Media Lab. His areas of specialty and research are the use of the media as a tool for social change, technology in international development, and how...