Asim Ghaffar is a qualified expert in strategy and investment consulting. He has over two decades’ experience in economics, futures trading, and risk management.

Asim attended Dartmouth College, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in economics. Upon graduating, he immediately entered the workforce. As an associate for Charles River Associates, Asim Ghaffar was put to work using his economics and business talents. Peers immediately noticed his innate talent for identifying and analyzing potential buyers for a client, as well as a knack for revenue synergies and forecasts. This level of foresight and tactical thinking helped him rise up the ranks quickly.
Ever the perennial student, Asim Ghaffar was still eager to go back to school and pursue his master’s degree. He received his MBA from MIT’s Sloan School of Management. He then spent several years building up a stellar reputation as a consultant working for Bain & Company, where he absorbed all the strategy’s ins and outs. As the Principal of Partners Capital Investment Group, Asim honed his skills as an international investment advisor for over half a decade. This unique position was followed by working as a senior consultant for Cambridge Associates, advising a vastly diverse group of private clients, universities, foundations, and insurance groups ranging in size from $100 million to $20 billion.
Asim Ghaffar founded AG Capital in 2014 and has made an impressive list of loyal, satisfied clients throughout his extensive career. His company has stayed true to its mission of being a global macro investment firm that focuses on its clients. Asim Ghaffar differs from his competition by incorporating proprietary, long-short campaigns over an assortment of equity, currency, fixed income, as well as commodity markets.
As a financial advisor, Asim Ghaffar’s superior analytical thinking skills have made him an excellent forecaster. As a consummate professional, he has built up an impressive business contacts network in a very competitive industry.
In addition to his numerous professional aptitudes, Asim is a semi-professional hockey player. He became hooked on the sport while studying for his MBA. Asim was the president of the Sloan Hockey Club and spent every spare moment on the ice.
Asim’s other passion is travel. He has been fortunate enough to work in an industry that allows him to satisfy his explorative side, and he has no plans to slow down.
Asim Ghaffar on The Importance of Travel and Cultural Exposure
There are over 195 countries besides the United States, and each one is worth exploring. Asim Ghaffar understands all of the ways that travel can enhance a person, from gaining a well-rounded perspective of their place in the world as compared to others to feeling empathy that only comes from seeing up-close what other humans are experiencing.
People who never leave their home country are practically living in a sanitized bubble. While they have access to videos and images of other nations, most people experience are seeing things through a filter. This is not necessarily bad, but it’s essential to be aware. The information conveyed about any region will typically have a bias on behalf of whoever is presenting it. A food blogger will highlight exceptional meals and make cuisine a focal point, whereas a journalist might emphasize the perils of war. Asim Ghaffar has been all over the globe and passionately believes that nothing can compare to the importance of traveling and experiencing other cultures first-hand.
Asim also believes in the power of traveling alone. There is no better time to explore your identity and find out your own likes and dislikes. Being on your schedule is a great way to change direction spontaneously, have new adventures, and make memories. He recommends going outside of your comfort zone (while following safety protocols) and opening yourself to new cultural experiences. The more you branch out from your familiar way of life, the more knowledge you gain about how the world works as a whole.
Another benefit to traveling is how it helps you embrace the diversity of society upon returning. Most cities are melting pots, and it becomes easier to interact with people once you’ve been immersed in another culture, even for a brief time. Travelling also requires problem-solving abilities and trusting your gut instincts since you will be in many unfamiliar situations. The soft skills that you learn while conversing with people abroad will also benefit you on your resume upon returning. Travel is no longer looked upon as a luxury. It is also a chance to educate yourself.
One of the things that Asim Ghaffar never takes for granted is how fortunate he is to have the ability to travel, thanks to his job. Even if travel seems too expensive or out of reach, many programs can help. There are programs available to make it a reality for many adults who missed out on the study abroad experience. In addition, Asim recommends budget websites to use as a guide when planning a trip. There are allowances you must be prepared for, so due diligence is recommended before planning your journey.