Adam Fincik is the Co-Owner and Production Manager at A & T Roofing and Construction, located outside of Pittsburgh, PA. Before founding the company in 2015, Adam began his career at various construction companies, including the position of Crew Leader at G & W Construction. A & T Roofing and Construction has become a top-tier construction company in the Pittsburgh area due to its outstanding and premier customer service. As a founder and small business owner, Adam and his partner are passionate about helping their community by spreading their wealth and success, in hopes that the community grows alongside them. They give their time and energy by volunteering and making philanthropic contributions.

Adam Fincik

In earlier years of his life prior to A & T, Adam didn’t have much, which makes him appreciate the life he has built for himself. His past experiences are what have shaped him into a believer in sharing what he can. As A & T Construction continues to grow, Adam and his partner vow to increase the amount of charity work. In the future, he hopes to work alongside a rehabilitation center in his community. They are currently frequent donors to local children’s hospitals and sports associations, including one very close to Adam’s heart, the Mon Valley Thunder Youth Hockey Association. Fincik began to fall in love with hockey at the age of 5. It was a sport that meant a lot to his father, but he was unable to play. While being in the rink most days of the week, Adam learned plenty of life lessons out on the ice. Thanks to his coach, he was able to understand the importance of your character and how to value responsibility. Although hockey was not where Adam envisioned a career, he can often be found on the rink as a coach. Hockey will always play a role in molding Adam into the strong business owner and community leader he is today. 

Adam Fincik on What You Didn’t Know About Opening Your Own Business

When thinking about starting your own business, you may have sought advice from another business owner. Keeping up with all of the tips and tricks can get a little confusing. This may be one of the most important decisions of your life as you come across hardships and must tackle challenges. The truth is, there’s no perfect method for starting a business. The best business advice helps you think in ways you never thought before. Here are some things you might not know about opening your business.

Work While you Build

Starting up a new business is a longer process than you may think. It is common for owners to continue working at their day jobs during the process. The best companies are built in stages and allow you to smoothly transition from an employee to a business owner. This is important because it will take some time for your business to bring in a steady income. Your current day job may be in the same market or niche as your business, so staying there can help you continue to learn more. Being on this grind will help you grow a significant inflow of money from the company and eventually allow you to take over full time.

Spreading the Word

One challenge new business owners face is that they don’t know how to sell themselves. Being new on the market can be nerve-wracking but it is something that you must get over. Try not to focus so much on what you think people will think about your business. If you keep quiet and don’t spread the word, it will be difficult to make any money at all. For customers to know about your business, you must let the public know what is coming their way. The fastest way for news to spread is by word of mouth. Networking with other businesses that may be located in the same area as yours can be helpful. Consider posting signs around town or getting an advertising spot on the local radio station. If you want your business to succeed, then you must step out of your comfort zone.

Be a Solution

Rather than focusing your business on what to sell to customers, think about what you can solve for them. Customers are more likely to come in to get services that may help them fix a problem. Try to focus your business on filling a missing piece in your market.

Being a solution can help you create a brand that knows what issues their target market is facing and how you can solve them in the best possible way. 

Building your Team

Finding the best employees for your business is not very easy. First, you need to determine what kind of positions you need for the beginning stages. As nice as it would be to find something who knows it all, it’s just never that easy. Determining job titles and clear responsibilities will help you bring in some of the best applicants. Looking for individuals who may have experience in your business market can help you have a smoother opening. As your business grows, you may need to build your team as well. Having others around you who can provide insight is very important while having your own business.

Never Stop Growing

Waiting to start your business when you think you have all the knowledge you need is a very common mistake. Every single day you should be improving yourself and your business to become better and better. The key is knowing more than you know now before you can get to where you want to be. The best business owners learn from their mistakes and don’t give up. Strive to learn new skills and information that can help your business succeed. 

When opening your own business, it’s important to remember to always root for yourself. Some of your highest highs will be the best moments of your life, while some of the lowest lows may leave you wanting to give up. Nobody has a set path while starting up a business, so don’t be afraid to change directions – or adapt – along the way.

Adam Fincik
Job Title
Production Manager
A & T Roofing and Construction